New Decree on the border zone entered into force on 15 June – always follow border markers when moving in the terrain
The route of the border zone’s perimeter is under review. The border zone will be both narrowed and widened. Remember to always follow border markers when moving in the terrain. The Finnish Border Guard will update the border markers in the terrain by 31 March 2023.
The Government Decree amending sections 5 and 6 of the Government Decree on the Border Zone and the Perimeter of the Border Zone entered into force on 15 June 2022.
The route of the border zone’s perimeter is under review, and the border zone will be narrowed in areas where it is possible while maintaining order along the border and ensuring effective border management. The border zone will be widened in the vicinity of certain border stations to maintain order along the border and ensure effective border management. In certain other areas, the border zone is widened to facilitate the detection and maintenance of border markers.
The Finnish Border Guard reminds that the perimeter of the border zone runs through the control points referred to in the Government Decree as it is marked in the terrain. In other words, the border markers in the terrain must always be followed, and the perimeter set by the markers must not be crossed without an appropriate border zone permit. The perimeter is marked in the terrain with booms, signs or yellow circles painted on or affixed to trees and poles.
The Finnish Border Guard will update the border markers in the terrain by 31 March 2023. Once the border markers have been completed, they will be reported to the National Land Survey of Finland, which will export them to its digital map dataset. From there, the data is available to everyone through, for example, the MapSite application.
For more information on the border zone and applying for a border zone permit: Border zone permit | The Finnish Border Guard (
The most recent amendments to the Decree (Government Decree amending sections 5 and 6 of the Government Decree on the Border Zone and the Perimeter of the Border Zone, 416/2022) are available in Finnish on the Finlex website.
Valtioneuvoston asetus rajavyöhykkeestä ja… 416/2022 - Säädökset alkuperäisinä - FINLEX ®