- The Finnish Border Guard: @rajavartiolaitos
- Border and Coast Guard Academy: @MahdollisuuksienRaja
- West Finland Coast Guard: @merivartiosto
- Gulf of Finland Coast Guard: @suomenlahdenmerivartiosto
- Lapland border guard: @LapinRaja
- The Finnish Border Guard: @rajavartiolaitos
- Dogs of the Finnish Border Guard: @rajakoirat
- The Finnish Border Guard: Rajavartiolaitos - The Finnish Border Guard
- The Finnish Border Guard: @rajavartiolaitos
X (Twitter)
- The Finnish Border Guard: @rajavartijat
- Gulf of Finland Coast Guard: @Merivartiosto
- Southeast Finland Border Guard: @kaakkoisraja
- Air Patrol Squadron: @rajaheko
- North Karelia Border Guard: @PKarjalan_raja
- Laplad Border Guard: @lapinraja
- Kainuu BorderGuard: @KainuunRaja
- West Finland Coast Guard: @meriraja
- Border and Coast Guard Academy: @rmv_koulu
- Åland Coast Guard Station: @Sjobevakningen1
- Commander of the Gulf of Finland Coast Guard Mikko Simola: @MikkoJSimola
- Commander of the Lapland Border Guard: @LR_KOM
- Matti Pitkäniitty: @MPitkaniitty
- Mikko Hirvi: @HirviMikko
- Border Guard Harju-Autti: @RvjaHarjuAutti
- Sanna Palo: @PaloSanna
- The Finnish Border Guard: Rajavartiolaitos