Please send your invoices to us as electronic invoices through the central government’s e-invoice operator. Our electronic invoicing address is: 

  • E-invoice address/EDI ID: 003702460035
  • Peppol address: 0216:003702460035
  • Intermediary: Posti Messaging Oy
  • Operator ID: FI28768767
  • Business ID: 0246003-5 
  • VAT ID: FI02460035 

The Finnish Border Guard’s billing address is valid for all units of the Border Guard:

  • Lapland Border Guard district
  • Kainuu Border Guard district
  • Air Patrol Squadron
  • Southeast Finland Border Guard District
  • Gulf of Finland Coast Guard District
  • Border and Coast Guard Academy
  • North Karelia Border Guard District
  • West Finland Coast Guard District
  • Headquarters of the Finnish Border Guard

The customer’s reference in invoices should be primarily the order number or secondarily the client’s name or other description. 

Terms of payment  

Invoices must comply with a term of payment of 21 days that based on The General Terms of Public Procurement in Service Contracts and in Supply Contracts (JYSE terms) published by the Ministry of Finance. According to the JYSE terms, the due date of electronic invoices is 21 days from the arrival of an acceptable invoice. 

Handi supplier portal

If you do not have a system that can produce electronic invoices, you can create and send your electronic invoices using the government’s Handi supplier portal.

Introduction of the supplier portal requires contacting the Finnish Border Guard’s Handi support service at the email address handituki.rvle(at) The Border Guard reports its new supplier to the Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR (Palkeet), after which Palkeet invites the supplier to register as a user of the supplier portal in the Handi service.

Basware portal

Private persons can use the Basware portal to send e-invoices. Open the Basware portal.

The State only accepts e-invoices

From 1 April 2021 onwards, the State will only accept e-invoices that are compliant with the European Standard. We do not accept paper or email invoices because they are not e-invoices (The Electronic Invoicing for Contracting Entities and Traders Act (241/2019)).

Further information is available on the State Treasury’s Government Electronic Invoicing Website. The site contains application instructions for public administration that specify the information content model under the European Standard described in the European Union Directive 2014/55/EU and in the Electronic Invoicing for Contracting Entities and Traders Act (241/2019). The instructions include the data elements that public administration requires from e-invoices. Further information verkkolaskutus(at)

Invoice attachments

We also accept attachments in electronic format with e-invoices. Please use the pdf format for attachments.

Further information:

Further information on matters related to contents of invoices is available from Taija Malinen at the Finnish Border Guard, telephone number +358 295 421 720, or by email at: menot(at)