Contact information
Switchboard +358 295 420 000
P.O. Box 3, 00131 HELSINKI
[email protected]
In urgent matters related to border security, you can call the service number of the Border Guard District Command Center.
Explanation of the map:
The largest of the six administrative units of the Finnish Border Guard shown in the map are the Lapland Border Guard District in the very north of Finland, and the West Finland Coast Guard District that covers the west side of southern Finland.
In eastern Finland, south from the Lapland Border Guard District, are situated the Kainuu Border Guard District, the North Karelia Border Guard District and the Southeast Finland Border Guard District. The Gulf of Finland Coast Guard is the southernmost district that stretches from Hanko all the way to the eastern Gulf of Finland.
Border and coast guard academy
Visiting address
Recruiting of Border Guards
Special Boder Guards
The Border Guard Museum
Visiting address
Post address
Museum director
Museum keeper
For Media
For media enquiries, please call +358 50 456 2862
Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Southeast Finland Border Guard
For media enquiries, please call 0295 422060
Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Lapland Border Guard District
For media enquiries, please call +358 295 412 533
Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Gulf of Finland coast guard
West Finland Coast Guard
Maritime Search and Rescue:
For media enquiries, please call 0294 1042
Information about the border zone for media (pdf).