Tasks of the foundation

The tasks of Rajamme Vartijat are defined in its rules. The foundation: 

  • rewards persons who have distinguished themselves while serving in the Finnish Border Guard
  • supports Finnish Border Guard personnel in their studies
  • supports preservation of the traditions of the Finnish Border Guard and traditions of the border and coast guard forces which served in the Finnish Wars during 1939-1945
  • supports the family members of border guards and the residents in border areas

The foundation’s board consists of five members, who are selected for one-year terms. A representative appointed by the board is responsible for practical matters.

Requests for assistance and support

Requests for assistance and support can be sent to the following address:

Rajamme Vartijat Foundation representative
Headquarters of the Finnish Border Guard
P.O. Box 3

Further information about the foundation and its activities can be provided by the foundation’s representative Commander Pentti Alapelto, pentti.alapelto(at)raja.fi, tel. 0295 421351.