Rajamme Vartijat Foundation
The Rajamme Vartijat Foundation was established in 1992. The foundation grants awards, stipends and assistance for research and publishing activities, organises celebrations and other events, establishes or maintains collections and institutions that safeguard traditions, and supports monument projects.
Tasks of the foundation
The tasks of Rajamme Vartijat are defined in its rules. The foundation:
- rewards persons who have distinguished themselves while serving in the Finnish Border Guard
- supports Finnish Border Guard personnel in their studies
- supports preservation of the traditions of the Finnish Border Guard and traditions of the border and coast guard forces which served in the Finnish Wars during 1939-1945
- supports the family members of border guards and the residents in border areas
The foundation’s board consists of five members, who are selected for one-year terms. A representative appointed by the board is responsible for practical matters.
Requests for assistance and support
Requests for assistance and support can be sent to the following address:
Rajamme Vartijat Foundation representative
Headquarters of the Finnish Border Guard
P.O. Box 3
Further information about the foundation and its activities can be provided by the foundation’s representative Commander Pentti Alapelto, pentti.alapelto(at)raja.fi, tel. 0295 421351.