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The summer season at the Border Museum starts on 11 June – Welcome!

Publication date 5.6.2024 8.58
News item
Ornamental shoulder pieces in Border Museum's glass case.

The Border Museum, located on the historic Immola barracks area in Imatra, has been renovated.

The new main exhibition Guardians of Finland – The Border Guard in the heart of border security then and now opens to the public on Tuesday, 11 June 2024. The exhibition is open throughout the summer until 3 August.

The exhibition progresses chronologically from the early days of Finland's independence to the present-day NATO Finland. At the centre of the exhibition are the border guards' own experiences from different eras. The exhibition reveals how border security work has been done, what the current threats have been, and how they have been addressed.

The Border Museum tells the story of the Border Guard as a security authority. How it was founded and how it has come to the present day.

The new Border Museum tells all of this in a modern way, utilizing contemporary exhibition technology. Materials and content from the history of the Border Guard that have not previously been presented to the public are displayed. These include, among other things, defection and espionage cases on the eastern border during the Cold War. There is plenty to see for museum visitors, but also things to do: visitors can, for example, test how passport control works. 

Register for a weekday visit

Since the museum is located on a barracks area, we only accept a limited number of visitors and take into account general safety factors. For this reason, visitors must register in advance. Read further: Contact information and visitor instructions for the Border Museum.

The Border Museum is open on three Saturdays (15 June, 6 July and 3 August), as well as on Sunday, 11 August, when we celebrate the Museum Road Day. No prior registration is required on these days.

Welcome to Finland's most modern authority museum!

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