The opening hours of the Niirala Border Crossing Point will change from 1 March 2023
Publication date
| Published in English on 17.2.2023 at 13.21
Press release
Niirala Border Crossing Point’s opening hours will be changed as of 1.3.2023 and it will be open for the passenger traffic and commercial transport as follows:
- Mon-Sun from 8 a.m. to 20 p.m. (1.–25.3.2023, winter time)
- Mon-Sun from 9 a.m. to 21 p.m. (26.3.–28.10.2023, daylight saving time).
Passengers are requested to arrive to the border check in time before the Border Crossing Point closes in order to ensure the planned border crossing.
Border crossing is possible only during the opening hours of the Border Crossing Point.
Raja – press release