Military defence and defencive preparedness

The Finnish Border Guard is capable of immediately safeguarding Finland’s territorial integrity and providing military defence. As a part of the national defence system, the Finnish Border Guard participates in NATO’s collective defence.

The Finnish Border Guard’s status and duties in military defence will remain at a high level. The Finnish Border Guard and the Finnish Defence Forces will work in close and constant cooperation. The focus points of preparedness include the eastern border, the eastern parts of the Gulf of Finland and the Åland Islands. Territorial surveillance and safeguarding of territorial integrity are inherent parts of all the duties of the Finnish Border Guard.

The material preparedness and competence of the Finnish Border Guard and the border troops will be developed in line with the more demanding security environment. The composition of the border troops will be developed in cooperation with the Defence Forces.

Conscripts completing their military service in the border troops receive training in three units and during military refresher courses and voluntary training. The high level of military competence among the staff will be maintained.

Conscripts completing their military service will be used more extensively in tasks supporting the Finnish Border Guard in all security situations.

The security operations and security competence of the Finnish Border Guard will be strengthened in all levels of operation.

The Finnish Border Guard will participate in NATO operations from the starting point of national defence. Interoperability of the Finnish Border Guard will be ensured by participating in defence planning and key exercises, by using harmonised systems of situational awareness and management, and by training the personnel. To promote collective defence and national security, staff will be appointed to NATO structures. The Finnish Border Guard will build readiness to participate in the operations as its duties and resources allow.