Technical sector

The Technical Division of the Headquarters of the Finnish Border Guard is responsible for ensuring that the Finnish Border Guard has access to up-to-date and efficient equipment, feet, facilities and IT and surveillance systems. The Technical Division also provides the relevant maintenance and other basic technical services as necessary.

In 2023, the Finnish Border Guard continued the development of its material readiness in response to Finland’s rapidly changing security environment. The marked rise in the general cost level was reflected in the implementation of acquisitions and projects. 

Investments in information management and cyber security

The new data and cyber security unit, established in 2023, will complement and strengthen the information management within the Finnish Border Guard. In the coming years, the unit is tasked with developing and implementing solutions that will protect and reinforce the digital infrastructure of the Finnish Border Guard.

The projects for the basic renovation and renewal of the technical border surveillance systems on land and at sea (RAVALU I-II) continued. As part of these projects, the Finnish Border Guard acquired, for example, additional drones for the use of border guard patrols. In 2023, the Finnish Border Guard initiated a project to renew the operational information systems (RAVALU III). The current operational information systems will be gradually replaced by the year 2027.

During 2023, the Finnish Border Guard continued to actively contribute to the preparation of the launch of the EES (Entry Exit System) and ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System) systems as part of the European Union’s Smart Borders initiative.

Facilities development

The Finnish Border Guard continued, jointly with the Senate Property, the implementation of three major real property projects involving the garrison areas in Ivalo, Onttola and Immola. Within the Ivalo garrison area project, the premises for accommodation and vehicle service were completed, as well as the building for shared use with the Police. In Immola, the basic renovation of the Border and Coast Guard Academy building started. In Onttola, the building for the Soldiers’ Home and sports hall was completed. The garrison area projects will continue as planned.

As regards the infrastructure for coast guard activities, the Finnish Border Guard continued developing the bases for the Coast Guard units. In 2023, the Coast Guard station of Tammisaari was relocated to Lappohja. Lappohja also serves as the central base for the Finnish Border Guard’s offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) with the related support functions, while also offering a depot for maritime environmental damage prevention materials. The implementation of the Eastern Border

Barrier Fence project progressed in line with the relevant resolutions. In 2023, the Finnish Border Guard piloted various construction solutions in Imatra (Pelkola) and Immola. The implementation of the second phase of the project began in the first-priority target areas, including the border-crossing points and their surroundings. The construction of the barrier fence will continue until 2026.

New acquisitions to replace outdated feet 

The project for the acquisition of the two new obsolete patrol vessels for the Finnish Border Guard advanced on schedule. The construction of the first vessel commenced toward the end of 2023. The new OPVs are intended to replace the outdated two Tursas class vessels and the patrol vessel Merikarhu, which has already been removed from operational use. The Finnish Border Guard will take the new OPVs into operational use during the years 2025 and 2026. 

The project to replace the outdated Coast Guard boats was completed in 2023. The lifecycle upgrading of PV 08 class patrol boats continued, with the first seven upgraded boats being taken into use in 2023. The Finnish Border Guard received three new hovercraft vessels in 2023. The hydrocopters that are currently in use will be replaced by lightweight hovercraft by the year 2026. In 2023, the Finnish Border Guard continued the harmonisation of AV class boats used as support vessels. 

Through the ongoing surveillance aircraft renewal project (MVX), the Finnish Border Guard will replace the two outdated Dornier surveillance aircraft with two new multi-purpose manned aircraft. In 2023, a negotiation round was arranged with the supplier candidates and various aircraft types and surveillance systems were evaluated. The procurement contract will be concluded with the selected supplier in June 2024. The new surveillance aircraft will be taken into operational use during 2026–2027.