A word from the Chief

In late 2023, the Finnish Border Guard encountered severe disturbances in border security, and the situation still prevails. As a result of sustained preparedness, our capacity to manage and prevent instrumentalised migration has been excellent, and we have been able to keep the situation under control. Nevertheless, we need to prepare ourselves for a rapidly worsening situation. 

Border security disturbances

Toward the end of 2023, the Government decided to temporarily close border crossing points along the eastern border and to centralise the processing of applications for international protection to the border crossing points within air and waterborne traffic. The aim of the resolution was to stop the instrumentalised migration taking place at the eastern border. The observations made and information received by the Finnish Border Guard and other authorities indicated clearly that the entry of migrants was based on the actions of a foreign state. The phenomenon also involves international crime. In addition, exceptional incidents have occurred within our sea areas during the past year, where our critical infrastructure has been damaged by an external actor.

In order to manage the abnormal situation, the Finnish Border Guard has drawn on new powers and capacities that have been enacted and developed in recent years. These include, for example, improved capacity for crowd control and better tools for maintaining situational awareness. Assistance provided by other security authorities has been indispensable. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, has also supported the activities at the eastern border through the provision of international personnel and vehicles in the jointly planned and trained manner. We can state that the resources used for the development of preparedness, capacity and competence have been appropriately allocated.

At the same time, it is obvious that more effective measures will be necessary if the abnormal situation continues and becomes more difficult. Several projects are underway through which we can further improve our capacity to respond to instrumentalised migration, enhance our intelligence and advance our possibilities to utilise human resources, including conscripts and reservists. Equally important for us is to ensure that the resources and appropriations needed by the Finnish Border Guard for its activities are in balance with the prevailing security situation.

Maintaining security on a broad scale

Throughout the year, the Finnish Border Guard used its overall resources in a flexible manner, allocating them in accordance with the current situation and demand. This operational concept became familiar to us during the corona years. In addition to the situation management, we have continued to handle our basic statutory tasks as usual.

At sea, we were able to assist all those in distress, with an average response time of 26 minutes. This result can be considered excellent. Fortunately, no large-scale maritime accidents occurred, although there were several potentially hazardous near miss incidents. Dozens of cases involving minor environmental damage were observed.

The number of new pre-trial investigations exceeded the previous year’s number by about 30%. Particular growth was seen in the facilitation of illegal entry into the country, which is explained by both the situation at the eastern border and the secondary movements of migrants in the European Union.

Safeguarding of territorial integrity is inherent in all our activities. Competence in military national defence was further developed, both among our staff members and among conscripts and reservists, although exercises have already, in the preceding years, been at a high level in terms of quality and quantity.

At Helsinki Airport, border crossing traffic was strongly on the rise, and at the airports in Lapland, another record high year was seen. The forecast is that this trend will continue.

The Finnish Border Guard has several strategic capacity projects underway concurrently. Within the OPV 2025 project, the construction of the first new offshore patrol vessel started, on schedule, in late 2023. A pilot of the eastern border barrier fence was completed in late summer. The prevailing situation has proven the necessity of the barrier fence and, therefore, its construction will be accelerated. The renewal of the technical surveillance system for land and sea borders proceeded to its final phase, during which our primary operational information system will be upgraded. The project will significantly improve our situational awareness and data management. The ongoing MVX project for the procurement of new surveillance aircraft will proceed to the contract phase by summer 2024. The project was slightly delayed as a result of the schedule of the legislative project concerning radio technical border surveillance and the additional time needed for the evaluation of radio technical surveillance systems.

In addition to the materiel projects, there are several legislative projects in progress, which aim at safeguarding us sufficient personnel and powers to operate within the changed security environment.

Success calls for competent and motivated personnel

During this exceptional year, the personnel of the Finnish Border Guard have, once again, shown their professional skills, reliability and ability to cooperate. I dare say that the Finnish Border Guard has never before had better trained, equipped and committed personnel. In all circumstances, they answer to the questions of citizens and the media, provide situational information and do their part to contribute in a valuable way to the sense of security among people in Finland.

Thanks to the entire personnel, the Finnish Border Guard has, in recent years, excelled in surveys that measure the reputation of and trust in authorities. Citizens experience that the Finnish Border Guard is working in their best interests. Reputation and trust must, however, be earned again every day. This is a challenge that will encourage us to keep moving forward. Security is not accomplished by individuals alone, but rather, it calls for teamwork within the Finnish Border Guard and collaboration with all our partners.

I wish to extend my warmest thanks to the personnel of the Finnish Border Guard for their excellent work for the security of our homeland.

Pasi Kostamovaara
Lieutenant General
Chief of the Finnish Border Guard